Saturday, July 19, 2014

Classic Cars

These were taken at Kelli's Dari Bar in Mansfield, OH on July 11 of this year

Monday, March 17, 2014

Malabar Farm State Park

A few images from the Maple Syrup Festival at Malabar Farm State Park, near Lucas, Ohio...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter in Galion, Ohio

These were taken on a chilly January 2014 morning...
Outside my apartment

Jefferson St

Harding Way West

Galion public library

On the square

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Snowy images...

Just a few images taken from my apartment from some of the snowfalls we've received so far...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend 2013

What a weekend! Plenty of food. Plenty of time with family. Decorated the tree. Watching the big game with friends.
Dad's Thanksgiving nap

Preparing the feast...

Decorating the tree

Finishing touches...
Dan & Benji trying to not stress over the game...
Barb found a way to keep from biting her nails...

End of the game...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Summer 2013

Nathan scoring a hole in one at The Infield in Lexington

Damien at Heise Park in Galion

Friends at Dan & Barb's near Galion

Emma at Heise Park in Galion
On the first real snow of the season, I was looking through some photos from this past summer. It was quite a season. Days at the park. Put-putt at the Infield. Spending time with friends. Making new ones.