Monday, October 8, 2012

Assignment 3

For this assignment, I decided to focus on one of my favorite places to go in the area, Mohican State Forest, and the Clear Fork Gorge Overlook in particular. I had visited this place many times, but this time I had noticed, possibly for the first time, how this is a place that showcases the beauty of nature, as well as a demonstration of how nature can be corrupted.
This first and third photographs are examples of how the Clear Fork Gorge looks on a typical early autumn day, with the leaves starting to turn brilliant shades of orange, yellow, and red. The second photograph, also shows how a place of beauty can have its ugly side, namely the defacing of the overlook platforms.
The fourth and fifth photographs are also a strange contrast. In the fourth image, it seems those who planned the walkway took extra care in not taking down this tree, by constructing the walkway around it. This is in stark contrast to the trees being felled around the parking area. There was no evidence of rot on the remaining stumps, so why take down the trees?


  1. I love your second photo. I love that someone proposed there and you got to document it. Especially that the girl said yes. That is pretty awesome.

  2. I like the first photo because in a sense it is one-of-a-kind. If you were to go back and take another picture at the same spot, it would be different because more leaves would have changed color. Seeing the trees in the transition from summer to fall was also neat about this photo.

  3. Thank you for this visual tour of the Mohican State Forest. It is interesting to see images full of nature vs. images that represent manmade structures or marks are encroaching on nature…
