Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Project Progress

Traci F., Shelby

Nathan B., Galion

Michelle C., Galion
This project involves portraits of people I know with the things they collect. At this point, the images have all been taken.
From here, I am considering printing out the images in black and white, and just pinning them to the gallery wall. I am still thinking color shots would be cool, but I am also very open to doing them in black and white.
I was originally going to print them out on a very large scale, but I am further considering printing them out in either 8x10 or 11x14.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

People and their collections

I had spent some considerable time pondering what to have as an overreaching subject for this final project. As I was thinking, my son's Star Wars collection came to mind.It made me think how even our most seemingly insignificant possessions can tell us a lot about a person. It especially says something when the possessions serve no utilitarian purpose. The person has these specific item for the simple fact that it gives them a sense of pleasure.
After this series of thoughts, I came to the conclusion of doing a series of portraits of people I know, and the collection that best describes them. Each image will feature the person, along with the collection that best expresses who they are.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Ghostly Fiction

For this project, I decided to do the fiction aspect in camera, and avoid using Photoshop. I also wanted to do at least one assignment that featured my kids. The result was this collection of ghostly images of my 3 kids.

This project could also be utilized in a shutter speed assignment. By using a shutter speed range 2.5 seconds, up to 10 seconds, and by giving instructions to my kids, I was able to give the impression of an apparition-like appearance to my kids. These were taken in my new apartment, as we were unpacking and putting things away.

This was probably one of the more difficult assignments, because it involved a lot of trial and error. Some turned out great, while others showed either nothing, or solid people.