Tuesday, November 13, 2012

People and their collections

I had spent some considerable time pondering what to have as an overreaching subject for this final project. As I was thinking, my son's Star Wars collection came to mind.It made me think how even our most seemingly insignificant possessions can tell us a lot about a person. It especially says something when the possessions serve no utilitarian purpose. The person has these specific item for the simple fact that it gives them a sense of pleasure.
After this series of thoughts, I came to the conclusion of doing a series of portraits of people I know, and the collection that best describes them. Each image will feature the person, along with the collection that best expresses who they are.


  1. Hi Brian,
    Great idea! I enjoy that the collections will stand in as a portrait of each person. Because each person will be included in the frame, it will be interesting to compare any preconceived notions we have about the type of person related to those collections vs. the person's physical appearance. I think that collections have an interesting relationship with time...as time passes, our materials build up...so, if you photograph a senior perhaps they may have a larger accumulation of items than your son. BUT, collections also have a relationship to obsession...the more obsessed one is with the collection, the more abundant it will be.
    I am excited to see what you come up with for this project! Will you include yourself as well?

  2. This project sounds fascinating! Each of us has a collection of stuff! This collection of items is important to us, but may not be important to others. I agree with your comment about collections and obsessions with objects.

    How many people do you plan to do? How do you plan to exhibit these pieces?

    I look forward to seeing your finished project!
