Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Project Progress

Traci F., Shelby

Nathan B., Galion

Michelle C., Galion
This project involves portraits of people I know with the things they collect. At this point, the images have all been taken.
From here, I am considering printing out the images in black and white, and just pinning them to the gallery wall. I am still thinking color shots would be cool, but I am also very open to doing them in black and white.
I was originally going to print them out on a very large scale, but I am further considering printing them out in either 8x10 or 11x14.


  1. Hi Brian,
    It is interesting to see each person posed beside their collections. Through the collections, I get an impression, beyond just physical appearance, of what the person is like. I am also interested in how random the collections are…keychains? Jack Daniel's bottles? It makes me wonder about the origins of our collections…how do they get started, and why are we compelled to keep them? Why are they meaningful to us?
    I think color or black-and-white would work. Color is nice because some of the collections are colorful, such as the keychains. Black-and-white would be nice because the images are taken in different lighting conditions, so it could work to unify the series aesthetically.
    Compositionally, the images look good. The figures in the 2nd and 3rd image are a bit blurry, but I think it is OK because the rest of the image is sharp.
    I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. I love your idea of trying to express people's personalities throughout more than just themselves. I cannot wait to see how this is presented in the gallery!
